
Thursday, February 7, 2019

Romanticism In Literature Essay examples -- essays research papers

love story In Lit datetureRomanticism in literature, began around 1750 and lasteduntil 1870. Different from the unsulliedal ways of NeoclassicalAge(1660-1798), it relied on belief, idealization of natureand freedom of thought and expression.Two men who influenced the era with their writings wereWilliam Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, both Englishpoets of the time. Their edition of Lyrical Ballads, stressed the wideness of feeling and imagination. Thus in romanticLiterature the code was imagination over reason, emotion over logic, and finally intuition over science. any of these newways discouraged and didnt tolerate the more classic way ofliterature.Other significant writers of the Romantic Age are storied stillas shaping an age of open-mindedness and freedom. Lord Byronwas one of these authors, he wrote Don Juan. Another is PercyBysshe Shelley wrote in terza rima, a three line iambicpentameter set up of bcb, cdc, ded, and so on. Johan Keatscreated his own fairy tale ga in in the lyrical poem Ode on aGrecian Urn. spirit and the natural surroundings were important inromanticism. Taking pleasure in untouched scenery and theinnocence of life was the basis and theme of The Seasons bythe Scottish poet James Thomson. This inspired the nature tradition present in English literature, such asthe works by Wordsworth.Another opinion in romantic writings, most times connectedwith the...

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